Learning About Glasses For Kids Learning About Glasses For Kids

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Learning About Glasses For Kids

Hello, I’m Vinnie. Welcome to my site about glasses for kids. When I was a toddler, I received my first pair of prescription glasses. The glasses helped correct a problem focusing and slight nearsightedness. Since then, I have always worn glasses or contacts to keep my vision from worsening. My site will explore all of the ways you can help your kids adjust to their new pair of glasses. I will talk about making it through the eye exam and introducing them to the glasses. My site will also cover techniques you can use to help your kids learn how to care for their new lenses.

Staring At A Computer All Day? You May Need An Optician's Help More Than You Realize

Do you do most of your work on a computer? Maybe you work a job in an office that's tech-heavy and requires a lot of screen time, or maybe you're self-employed and spend most of your day making digital creations—either way, your eyes are probably suffering from too much screen time. Blurred vision, eyestrain, fatigue, and headaches are all part of computer vision syndrome (CVS), and it can also affect your ability to concentrate and be productive. Fortunately, there are new products on the market every year that are better and better at compensating for the problem. This is why you should schedule your next eye exam as soon as possible.

You probably need to get customized progressive lenses.

It isn't uncommon for people to have bifocal lenses these days, given the amount of reading that people do on their computers, e-readers, and cell phones. However, when you work on a computer or laptop for long periods of time, neither part of a bifocal may actually be helping you. Most people find a distance of 20-26 inches between their eyes and their monitor to be the most comfortable, but that's right in the mid-range of your vision. If you're wearing bifocals, that's not what the distant part is designed to keep in focus, and it isn't what the high-powered lower lens is meant to see either. You may find yourself constantly shifting around, leaning forward, leaning back, and tilting your head to clearly see your screen.

If so, it's time to talk to your optician about a progressive lens that's customized to your needs. They can be optimized for your use so that there's a large intermediate area that makes it easier for you to focus on your work. 

You should also consider lens coatings and tints.

An anti-reflective coating on your lenses isn't a luxury if you work with computers all day long—it's a necessity. These coatings eliminate the reflections that ordinary glasses pick up in bright lighting, especially when working at a computer. Those reflections cause unnecessary eye strain because your eyes can't effectively block the additional brightness.

Tinted lenses also help block out the "blue light' that's everywhere but especially emanating from your computer monitor all day. Blue light scatters in short wavelengths, creating a visual "noise" that contributes to eye strain. If you work on your computer under fluorescent bulbs, you're getting an even bigger dose of blue light every day because they're an additional source of the problem. Even scarier, blue light may not just lead to eye strain and fatigue—it's also linked to macular degeneration.

Ask your optician about what lens tints are being used to block blue light. Amber tinted lenses have been on the market for several years now to help combat the issue, but there are new innovations all the time, so another tint may be possible.

Don't wait until your next appointment if you're experiencing eye strain or any of the symptoms of CVS—call your optician as soon as possible so that you can get the lenses you need in order to function more easily and safely.

For more information, contact San Juans Vision Source or a similar location.