Learning About Glasses For Kids Learning About Glasses For Kids

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Learning About Glasses For Kids

Hello, I’m Vinnie. Welcome to my site about glasses for kids. When I was a toddler, I received my first pair of prescription glasses. The glasses helped correct a problem focusing and slight nearsightedness. Since then, I have always worn glasses or contacts to keep my vision from worsening. My site will explore all of the ways you can help your kids adjust to their new pair of glasses. I will talk about making it through the eye exam and introducing them to the glasses. My site will also cover techniques you can use to help your kids learn how to care for their new lenses.

What You Should Know About Retinal Detachment

There is a type of tissue at the back of your eyes that is light sensitive, called your retina. If the retina becomes detached, it means that it has pulled away from the other tissue layers that surround it. You need to understand how this happens, how you know it has occurred, and what can be done about it. Here are some important things to know about a retinal detachment.

There Are a Few Different Causes

A retinal detachment doesn't have just one single cause, but a few different things that can lead to the incident. For one thing, your retina might detach as the result of a trauma or injury to the eye, such as being hit hard in the eye by a ball or someone's elbow during an athletic activity. You can also experience the detachment as a result of more advanced forms of diabetes. Also be aware that having a material called vitreous in your eye might also lead to this. It can be more common in older adults, since the retina starts to thin, making you more prone to detachment.

Retinal Detachment Doesn't Cause Any Pain

Unlike many other conditions of the eye, retinal detachment doesn't usually cause any pain or discomfort. This can make it a little harder for you to diagnose on your own. However, you should pay close attention to changes in your vision, as this can be a potential symptom for the occurrence. With retinal detachment, you might notice that your vision has become blurry or you suddenly have a lot of floaters in your eye. You may also notice that one of your eyes has flashes of light or that your peripheral vision is compromised.

Surgery is the Most Common Treatment

If you have any of these symptoms, you should see an eye doctor right away to get a diagnosis. If they find that you do have retinal detachment, you will need surgery to re-attach it. In the more minor cases, this is usually a pneumatic retinopexy procedure. This is an outpatient procedure where the doctor injects a gas bubble into your eye, after which allows the doctor to push the retina back into position. In more severe cases, you may need a surgical procedure like a sclera  buckle or virectomy. The potential risks vary based on the surgery you get and your own health, but might include increased eye pressure, infection, or bleeding.

For more information, talk to a professional like Coastal Eye Group, PC.