Learning About Glasses For Kids Learning About Glasses For Kids

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Learning About Glasses For Kids

Hello, I’m Vinnie. Welcome to my site about glasses for kids. When I was a toddler, I received my first pair of prescription glasses. The glasses helped correct a problem focusing and slight nearsightedness. Since then, I have always worn glasses or contacts to keep my vision from worsening. My site will explore all of the ways you can help your kids adjust to their new pair of glasses. I will talk about making it through the eye exam and introducing them to the glasses. My site will also cover techniques you can use to help your kids learn how to care for their new lenses.

FAQs About Eye Examinations For Contacts

Making the switch from eyeglasses to contact lenses is a bit more complicated than ordering lenses that seem to fit your current prescription. You will have to undergo a special eye examination with your eye doctor to have the contacts properly fitted. If you are thinking of switching to contacts or want to alternate between them and eyeglasses, here is what you need to know.  

Why Do You Need a Separate Examination?

An examination for contact lenses involves special tests that are designed to ensure the lenses fit properly and that the eyes do not suffer from wearing the lenses. Without a thorough examination, the eye doctor would not be able to determine if wearing the lenses over a long-term basis would be detrimental to your future visual health.  

A contact lenses examination involves a test to determine the size of contacts needed. Your eye doctor will determine the type of lenses and assess your tear ducts' ability to generate the moisture needed to comfortably wear the lenses.  

What Can You Expect?

During your examination for contact lenses, the eye doctor will perform many of the tests that he or she does when assessing your visual needs for eyeglasses. However, your doctor will also collect additional information from you to determine your contact needs.  

For instance, the doctor needs to determine if there are any lifestyle factors that could impact your ability to wear contacts. Factors, such as working on a computer for an extended period of time and playing sports outdoors, can impact the type of contacts you need to wear.  

The eye doctor will also need to determine if you need special lenses, such as rigid gas permeable lenses or a hybrid that would take into account special eye problems, such as the need for bifocal lenses.  

What If the Fit Is Not Right?

In some instances, an adjustment to the contacts will need to be made before a good fit is found. Many eye doctors fit patients with trial pairs that can be worn for a few days or longer to determine whether or not there are problems that need to be addressed.  

If you believe that your contacts are not fitting properly, you need to schedule a consultation with your eye doctor. You should see your doctor if you are experiencing redness, stinging, excessive watering, or extremely dry eyes. In addition to these symptoms, you should also see the doctor for light sensitivity and changes to your vision that are negative.