Learning About Glasses For Kids Learning About Glasses For Kids

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Learning About Glasses For Kids

Hello, I’m Vinnie. Welcome to my site about glasses for kids. When I was a toddler, I received my first pair of prescription glasses. The glasses helped correct a problem focusing and slight nearsightedness. Since then, I have always worn glasses or contacts to keep my vision from worsening. My site will explore all of the ways you can help your kids adjust to their new pair of glasses. I will talk about making it through the eye exam and introducing them to the glasses. My site will also cover techniques you can use to help your kids learn how to care for their new lenses.

4 Tips For Your Eyes This Summer

The sweltering heat of summer is upon us, which means you're going to be out and about doing all types of things, rather than being cooped up inside any longer. Summer brings some fun, as well as some challenges, especially for your eyes. The sunlight, chlorine from swimming pools or hot tubs, allergens, and dust or debris in the air can all affect your vision. To help keep your eyes healthy throughout the summer months ahead, read on for tips. Read More